I have come to believe that a great teacher is a great artist and that there are as few as there are any other great artists. Teaching might even be the greatest of the arts since the medium is the human mind and spirit.
- John Steinbeck -
For our
Your work doesn't stop when students leave your classroom at the end of the day.
You have assumed a significant responsibility - our youth look to you for direction and support; every day you have the opportunity to impart knowledge and wisdom, to influence how young human beings view themselves, to unlock potential, and to inspire dreams.
The work you do is rewarding, and you even view it as your calling.
It doesn't take away from the fact that it is also demanding, and that it sometimes feels like a very thankless job.
You give a lot of yourself - emotionally, physically, mentally...
Tending to our Teachers
Our customised programs and workshops tend to the mental and emotional wellbeing of our teachers in very practical ways.
The goal is to take care of your immediate and long-term wellbeing while allowing you to refresh and replenish your mental, emotional and spiritual resources.
Evidence-based research combines with psychotherapeutic approaches, creative expression and effective communication strategies so that teachers feel supported and equipped for the important tasks at hand.
Effective, experiential, enjoyable.
Results-oriented and solution-focused.
Tailor-made, individual, adaptable.
NOT a presentation.
Groups, or a combination of group and individual sessions.
There is in every child at every stage a new miracle of vigorous unfolding, which constitutes a new hope and a new responsibility for all.
- Erik Erikson -

I believe in the potential that lives in every child.
EVERY child.
Yet, I see too many children who don't believe in themselves, who have given up on themselves, who have given up on their dreams.
I see too many children who carry the heavy burden of negative labels - whether self-assigned or assigned by others.
I see too many children who don't live - they merely exist.
And then they try and escape from their own lives by overdosing on social media, technology, or some other unhealthy or unhelpful habits.
I see too many children crippled by self-doubt and a lack of self-worth and self-respect.
I see the haters, and the hated.
I see the bullies, and the bullied.
I see those who cause harm, and those who self-harm.
But I also see the kids who aren't any trouble;
the ones who get by, the ones who go unnoticed.
And then I see the ones who push themselves to unhealthy limits, who will do anything to live up to unrealistic expectations - either set by themselves or by those around them. I see the kids who have attached their entire identity to performance and achievements, and I feel concerned.
Yet, I believe in the potential that lives in every child.
EVERY child.
Grow - Come alive - Thrive
Our distinctively different, customised programs and workshops support and nurture students' mental and emotional health and wellbeing in very practical ways.
The mission is to change the way students view themselves and interact with the world they live in, and to help them cultivate meaningful lives with long-term wellbeing in mind.
Evidence-based research combines with psychotherapeutic approaches, creative expression and effective communication strategies.
Effective, experiential, enjoyable.
Results-oriented and solution-focused.
Tailor-made, individual, adaptable.
NOT a presentation.
Groups, or a combination of group and individual sessions.