Buy Plasmolifting PRP Tubes
Blood is a universal internal environment of the body, saturating the organs with the necessary substances. It contains everything necessary for beauty, health and youth.
Plasmolifting is a special technique of skin rejuvenation that does not require surgical intervention. It consists in the introduction of plasma saturated with platelets into the skin. The patient's blood is taken into special tubes for plasmolifting, after which red blood cells (platelets) are released from it, which help stimulate the work of connective tissue cells.
Buy Plasmolifting PRP Tubes
The isolated plasma is injected under the skin by injection and eventually, the rejuvenation process starts in the patient's body. Why are platelets isolated exclusively? The fact is that they contain molecules that help in the healing of damaged tissues and subsequently begin to synthesize elastin and collagen, which are responsible for the smoothness and elasticity of the skin.
Plasmolifting is used in cosmetology and its purpose is to inhibit the aging process. Due to the influence of plasma on the body, it begins to work in an enhanced mode – "youth mode". The result comes quickly and becomes noticeable after the first course of procedures. Plasmolifting helps in achieving certain results: smoothing wrinkles; improving skin condition; improving complexion; increasing regeneration; reducing signs of aging.
Plasmolifting is also used in orthopedics and traumatology. Plasma injections are made into the soft tissues that surround the damaged joint and into the joint cavity directly. Indications for use are the following diseases: arthrosis; pain and muscle spasms; periarthritis; osteochondrosis; sports injuries. As a result, the following can be expected: improvement of blood circulation; removal of muscle spasms; reduction of pressure on damaged joint areas; reduction of the rehabilitation period.
In gynecology: the effect of plasmolifting in this field of medicine is based on the unique properties of plasma, which activate growth factors and tissue regeneration, helping to cure diseases of the genital organs, dystrophic diseases of the vulva and chronic endometritis. As a result, patients get the opportunity to lead a full life. Indications for the use of plasmolifting in gynecology are the following diseases: vulvar kraurosis; leukoplakia; cervical diseases; cervical erosion; endocervicitis. The effect that can be expected: restoration of the menstrual cycle; restoration of the cervical lining; reduction of the risk of relapse; strengthening the tone of the pelvic muscles.