"What man actually needs is not a tensionless state,
but rather the striving and struggling for some goal worthy of him.
What he needs is not the discharge of tension at any cost, but the call of a potential meaning waiting to be fulfilled by him."
Victor Frankl
(Neurologist, Psychiatrist and Holocaust survivor)
My practice was born from the deep conviction that we can all lead meaningful and fulfilling lives, regardless of - and in spite of - our circumstances, background, abilities, diagnoses or age.
I have therefore made it my mission to help people find the purpose in, and uncover the significance of their lives.
My greatest joy is to assist clients on their individual and uniquely crafted journey towards new possibilities, meaning and wellbeing, and to empower them to live the life they deserve.
My practice, my calling

A creative approach to therapy
I follow a goal-oriented and solution-driven approach that sees individuals, families and organisations become well, grow and ultimately flourish.
When we embark on our journey together we utilise more than just the traditional language-based approaches, even though these still play a big part in the process. The process we follow sees the creative marriage of psychology with multimodal arts and other creative expressions, combined with effective communication strategies.
Through this powerful combination of creative interventions and verbal dialogue, we take advantage of a whole-brain approach so that all of our capacities are utilised. This enables us to find clarity, make meaning, facilitate change and experience growth. It helps us to fast-track to a place where new ideas can be born and restricting ideas and self-imposed boundaries can be replaced.
The journey
This journey of life is certainly not straightforward or without its pitfalls, and we are guaranteed to encounter hardships and challenges along the way.
My personal journey hasn’t been free of challenges, and my experiences have certainly shaped my values and my perspective on life. Today, I'm grateful for all the roadblocks, potholes, valleys and detours that I've encountered along the way, as these trials have been my greatest teachers and have ultimately led me to the work I now do.
The challenges I faced compelled me to find solutions - not just for myself, but also for others; and not to just relieve suffering, but to help clients on their journey to wellbeing and to reach their potential.
Along with my academic qualifications and professional experience, my lived experience inform my approach to my practice, and influence the way in which I serve my clients with empathy and compassion, but also with a determination to find solutions together.

Masters Creative Arts Therapy (AThR)
Grad Dip Creative Arts Therapy
BA Communications Sciences (Business Comms; Vis Comm. Design)

ANZACATA is a member of
Allied Health Professions Australia and
an Affiliated Organisation of PACFA

NDIS Provider Reg. No.
405 0033 706
"There is no passion to be found playing small - in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living."
Nelson Mandela